Lake Montessori Elementary School Program:
Embark Your Child on an Educational Adventure
For children up to 6th grade
One of the Top Private Elementary Schools Leesburg, FL Loves
In the Lake Montessori Elementary School program, students gradually develop the ability to think abstractly, become aware of their personal interests, and begin to develop their morals. They take their first step toward making a conscious contribution to the world.
Montessori Elementary School in Leesburg, FL
In the elementary class all academic areas are studied. As in the Primary classes, students acquire the basic skills through concrete materials that move gradually to the abstract.
These skills allow them to gain access to the real substance of the curriculum, such as science, history, great literature, and fine arts. Integrated lessons move from the general to the specific, allowing students to put the information perspective and to understand the interrelationships in our world.
Complex subjects, most interesting to this age child, can be made accessible when presented in a consistently organized manner, accompanied by corresponding vocabulary, and experienced with concrete materials.
Lessons are carefully interwoven to lead children into research and writing about subjects that have captured their imagination.
Tuition-Free Private Elementary School
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Exposure to High Level Ideas: Exposure to high level of ideas not only lays the foundation for future study but also brings the child to a consideration of his/her own purpose in the world.
Building Relationships: The child’s relationships with teachers are friends are used as opportunities to teach how to treat others with courtesy, to analyze problems logically, and to resolve conflicts peacefully.
Mastering the Basics: Care is given to assure that the child masters the basics and is well prepared for a traditional class setting. A nationally standardized achievement test is administered each year to all elementary students.
Time Management: Students learn to set goals, manage their time, and take responsibility for their own learning. The multi-age classrooms provide opportunities for mentorship and collaboration, empowering students to become confident, self-motivated learners.